International Global Citizen's Award

encouraging young people to become better global citizens

Encouraging news – and a cause for some optimism

In the run-up to the year 2000 the international community adopted the Millennium Development Goals related to human development, and to be implemented by the end of this year, 2015. Specific measurable targets were set in relation to each goal. It is encouraging to see that considerable progress has been made in reaching some of these targets in some parts of the world (although in some cases little progress or a worsening of the situation has taken place).

The targets for extreme poverty reduction (MDG 1.a), access to safe drinking water (MDG 7.c) and improving the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers (MDG 7.d) have been reached ahead of the 2015 deadline (figure 12). The targets on gender equality in primary and secondary education and the incidence of malaria are projected to be met by the end of 2015.

Millennium Goals: Progress Chart

Progress Towards the MDGs  (from the World Bank – and available in various languages)

Many challenges remain, and new ones emerge, such as the recent Ebola outbreak. But it is encouraging to see that when we put our mind to it, set specific objectives and cooperate, people can work to make things considerably better for people and the planet.

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