International Global Citizen's Award

encouraging young people to become better global citizens

Veganuary   -  eating a plant-based diet

(January 2018)

The Personal Global Footprint component of the IGCA involves participants considering aspects of their everyday lives and lifestyle and their effects upon other people and the natural world.
An important aspect of this is what we eat - including the ecological and other impact of producing and transporting our food, and the working conditions of those who produce it.

January is often a time for resolutions, for good intentions, for changes in lifestyle and for cutting back on food and drink after the holiday period.

In this spirit, “Veganuary” has been receiving considerable media coverage in the UK recently - and perhaps elsewhere. Organised by a charity, Veganuary is an initiative to encourage people to try a vegan diet for January, but also throughout the rest of the year. Its website provides the case for veganism year-round, vegan recipes etc.
(Vegan food is entirely plant-based, and excludes any animal products of any kind, including all meat and fish, all other animal meat, dairy, honey, eggs.).

Among the arguments for veganism are concerns at the way in which animals are farmed and slaughtered, and an ecological argument that plant-based diets make much more efficient use of agricultural land.

Consider the case for veganism, set out on the charity Veganuary’s website:

See also:

A Buddhist case for vegetarianism - based on care for animals
for older students 16+

(Look under

Delving deeper into Buddhism - aged 17 to 18

   Buddhism in the Modern World

      Buddhism and Vegetarianism

Why it’s green to go vegetarian.
An ecological case for vegetarianism, produced by The Vegetarian Society (UK charity) for the general public.
Download at:

George Monbiot, a campaigning journalist, sets out a well argued case against meat-eating and in favour of a plant-based diet.

(Monbiot has changed his views on veganism, as scientific evidence has emerged. This article represents his most recent position.)

An updated list of IGCA resources on “What we eat” to include these new resources is attached and is also available on the IGCA Ning at:

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