In October of 2007, Randy Stevens, Head of School, approached me about inviting girls in the sophomore class to participate in the International Global Citizen Award. As the class advisor for this group of 44 girls, I was responsible for explaining and introducing the students to the program and soliciting their participation. Upon the recommendations of several of the students’ teachers, seven girls were invited and agreed to participate.
Several early brainstorming meetings took place, after which the girls were charged with identifying their own individual pilot projects to meet the criteria of the IGC Award program. Because St. Timothy’s offers a number of student clubs with similar agendas as the IGC (i.e., Social Services, Challenge 20/20, Environmental Awareness Club, Duke of Edinburgh program, etc.) and since the School’s IB curriculum is very much in keeping with the mission of the IGC, some programs/activities already existed from which the students could dovetail their own activities. Some of these included: campus-wide recycling efforts and fundraising for programs such as Save Darfur and Pennies for Peace.
In February 2008, the IGC participants presented a compelling assembly to the entire school community, in which each girl shared a Power Point presentation on one of the identified “Hot Zones” around the world. In addition, the girls passed out juice boxes, each of which was labeled with a little-known “fact” relating to these war zones and areas of conflict. The students also distributed order forms for t-shirts and bracelet sales, proceeds from which were earmarked for one of the above-mentioned causes.
Later this spring the IGC Award participants will help to promote and facilitate a school-wide fundraiser known as “Bread for Itipini.” This is a program spearheaded by the Diocese of Maryland to raise awareness and money for a small, impoverished community in South Africa.
Leslie Lichtenberg
Director, Communications & Public Relations
Fours Class Form Dean
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