IGC IGC Award participants at Amman Baccalaureate School are engaged in lots of activities as part of the school's regular activities programme. These all form part of their requirements for the IGC Award - finding out about other cultures and outlooks (Model UN), or working with others.
Orphans & Outreach & less Fortunate
Helping orphans, and the less fortunate to cope with their life by organizing various activities for them, teaching them, and providing them with some basic necessities. The students also got a chance to help repair things in the center that needed fixing. Of course, along with these activities, the students also assist the social workers in teaching them.
Mentally Challenged
Providing students with first hand experience, and exposing them to the problems faced by both disabled people and those who care for them. The activity is arranged on weekly bases visits to the National Center for the Mentally Challenged and with the help of board members of the National Association for the Rehabilitation of the Mentally Challenged.
MUN & Human Rights
Students studying the structure, organization and working of the United Nations; as they examine the issues being currently debated in the various forums of the UN and purse these issues by role-playing as representatives of countries involved. Skills developed include research, diplomacy and debate. The goal of the activity is that the students not only gain knowledge of the UN and the issues involved but also become more aware of the realities of international relations.
Manufacturing Materials for Disabled
Students use catalogues from overseas which contain instructions on how to build materials for disabled children. These include games and special equipment that are not available in Jordan and which help the mentally and physically challenged in their physiotherapy program. All of the work is done at school, where the students learn various carpentry skills.
Rehabilitation of the virtually impaired
Students recorded their voices on tapes as they read books and stories. These tapes are sent to The Regional Center for Rehabilitation of the Blind Girls in Jordan and Al Dia' Center for Visually Impaired Children.
CAS Committee
These students get so involved in the 'ins-and-outs' of CAS, and get such a good overview of the whole program, that it would be possible for anyone of them to run the system quite smoothly.
Tanzania Trip
Working for Charity Centers in Tanzania, where students carry out hard labor; working side by side with the children from the centers, they construct huts that are to be used as classrooms. Each nicely painted, colorful, with its own design. The students also give lessons to the kids to be able to communicate with them and introduce them to new and exciting ideas. They teach them about computers, an Arabic song, and present shows with the children during the farewell party. The students usually form a long lasting bond with the children.
Climbing Kilimanjaro Mountain (Tanzania)
Students climb Kilimanjaro or Meru Mountain facing great challenges, like; strenuous walking, hunger and sleep deprivation which is something they grew accustomed to, and learn to live with. The students’ qualities surface when some students needed help, as they usually offer to carry each other’s sacks, and physically support each other. Despite all their tiredness, their team spirit shows brightly.
Riding for the Disabled
Taking the physically challenge children to Horse Clubs and helping them in riding horses. It is not only fun but also serves as a part of the physically challenged physiotherapy program. It stimulates physically challenge to use their muscles, which have become weak after extended periods of little use. The activity also restores their self-confidence as it makes them realize that they can do many things despite their disability. Students arrange games for the physically challenge children to play. After the initial training period, the students know what type of games are suitable for the physically challenge children and help them play.
See more photos from ABS in the Photos section.
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