International Global Citizen's Award

encouraging young people to become better global citizens

IGC Award at Broadgreen High School, Liverpool

Six IB students at Broadgreen High School are participating in the pilot scheme for the International Global Citizenship Award. They have written individual logs recording their involvement in activities and action relating to the components for Sept 2007 – Feb 2008
Sessions have been held by the International Citizenship Co-ordinator in Form Time to discuss, help with planning and monitor students’ progress.

Activity Opportunities
1) Understanding other Culture and Outlooks

a) Model United Nations General Assembly in Liverpool Town Hall November 2007. This required attendance at a Training Session in October; choosing 2 countries to represent (India and Poland because of the school’s continuing involvement with these countries); obtaining information from websites and from embassies; recording impressions and reactions after the event.
Over 200 sixth form students took part in this event.

b) European Studies Programme. Students have been involved in this Irish initiative with Partner schools in France, Ireland and Poland. They have exchanged personal profiles and will send an information presentation about Liverpool, European Capital of Culture 2008 with each student being responsible for a different aspect of the year.

c) Visit to India. Some students will have this opportunity in February 2008 and have been researching Indian culture in preparation.

d) Visit to Auschwitz and attendance at the National Holocaust Memorial Day Ceremony 27th January 2008 with others from the Liverpool Schools’ Parliament

2) Personal Global Footprint – Environmental and Ethical Responsibility

School Environmental Action The students have completed a questionnaire about their PGF and ways of diminishing it. They have also carried out a monitoring exercise on different aspects of the school’s programme to see what action has been carried out, or if it has broken down for what reason and how it can be reactivated. The Report will be made to the School Council.

The Model Un Assembly had a working group on Sustainable Energy so delegates have a report on that for the School Council with reference to the School’s use of energy.

The European Studies Programme has led to research on the environmental measures the UK has taken and by the European Parliament. Exchanges on this are part of the Partner Schools activities. An exchange with a GCA partner school in China has not yet taken place. Students log their personal views on the results obtained.

3) Influence and Involvement with others.
Here students log their personal involvement with any charity work they have participated in during their IB course. Within the European Studies Programme they also log and send reports on their views of the World of Work with any record of work experience and their reactions to it. This will also include their personal career plans and where they envisage themselves in ten years time.
The reflective /active mix allows for participation and the sharing of values and positions with others, not least within the School Council. This hopefully leads to more effective future activity.

Martina Hedges

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